Employment in Israel

Israel is a country that offers many opportunities for Ukrainians looking for work abroad. Israel has many fast-growing industries, such as technology, science, medicine, and tourism. These industries offer many jobs with good salaries and opportunities for professional growth.
The salary in Israel for Ukrainians depends on the industry and level of experience, but on average ranges from $1800 to $2400 per month.
- manager consultation and job selection according to your wishes;
- registration of a complete package of documents for employment in Israel;
- support of the manager while working on vacancies.
- the cost of accommodation and food (depends on the vacancy and the employer);
- insurance policy;
- additional costs.
our customers
- Free specialist consultation and job or program selection
- Preparation of a complete package of documents
- Continuous support abroad 24/7
- Availability of an employment license
- The vacancy will pay off in the first 10 days
In most vacancies, knowledge of the language is NOT required. You need to know English or German at least at the initial level to work in the service sector, it is not necessary for other vacancies. But in any case, knowledge of a foreign language will be an advantage.
We cooperate only with those employers who can provide housing for our clients or, if necessary, look for it ourselves. If you already have a housing option abroad, you can live in yours.
Ukrainians are employed in Israel under the conditions of temporary protection and can work for a period of 3 months or more.